Lens Care

Advise and Guidence

We advise our existing and potential customers who purchase our reusable contact lenses,  make sure they thoroughly wash and dry their hands before handling contact lenses, and avoid wearing them while swimming, face washing or bathing.

Avoiding Infections

Contact lenses wearers are more likely to have used an ineffective contact lens solution, have contaminated their lenses with water, or have poor hygiene habits. Take your time when cleaning and handeling on every use.


  1. Wash hands and dry them using a lint-free towel
  2. Place the contact lens on the tip of your index finger (which should be no wetter than your eye or the contact lens) and tuck your other fingers out of the way
  3. Look slightly across your nose in the mirror
  4. Drag your bottom eyelid down with your middle finger
  5. Place the contact lens on the sclera (white part of the eye) with the bottom edge of the contact lens touching first (the angle the contact lens is placed on your finger is crucial)
  6. Press firmly and then release your eyelid
  7. Massage the contact lens into place through the lids or blink a couple of times.
  8. Quick Tip: Try practicing touching the white part of the eye without a contact lens a few times before inserting the lens.
  9. NOTE: If you find that your contact lens is folding over, it means you are blinking before the contact lens has settled,
  10. Quick Tip: Try holding your top eyelid too.
  11. Once your lenses are in place, wipe their case with multi-purpose solution and leave it to air-dry. You should replace the case every three months.
  12. To maintain the ​ contact lens durability​ it is very important to follow the ​lens care​ instructions provided by your eye doctor, always cleaning it with a good quality solution for a comfortable experience.
  13. Our​ cosmetic contact lenses of ​were designed to provide the maximum comfort and quality as they are an unique type of coloured lenses.
  14. You can ​order the contact lenses online without prescription​ , but it is important to consult an eye doctor to make sure you will not have problems wearing them.
It is recommended that you give your eyes a rest at least one day a week by wearing your glasses rather than lenses.